This information is for mums and their partners to encourage baby to go into the ideal position for birth, BEFORE your labour begins.
If bub is head down (and a single baby), then from 34weeks onwards this advice is given to encourage your baby to lie with its back to your left/front- LOA (Left Occiput Anterior). This also will encourage your baby to engage, thereby enjoying as normal and straightforward a birth as possible.
USEFUL POSITIONS DURING LABOUR (can be done in birthing pool also)
**Side Note: Relax mouth/jaw/throat to relax cervix. A low pitch Ahhhhhh sound helps this and energy vibrates in the lower half of the body.
Remember to laugh- it’s a natural pain relief and an internal massage
Get partner to remind you how much he/she loves you- when a woman hears this from the one she loves her hormones change.
Shower in early labour (instead of bath as bath can slow the early labour down)
Located in the heart of Randwick, Health Spot Randwick is your premier destination for holistic health and wellness. Our clinic offers a range of natural therapies and treatments designed to promote healing and enhance overall well-being.
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22A Canberra St,
Randwick, Sydney, NSW 2031
Monday to Friday: 8am - 7:30pm
Saturday: 8am - 3pm
Sunday: 10-5pm (massage only)