The gluteal muscles are the power house of the human body. The muscle group is comprised of the gluteus maximus, medius and minimus, controlling many of the major movements of the hip. Each muscle has a vital function:
GM serves to maintain pelvic alignment during single-leg activities such as jumping, kicking and running. When you consider that over 50% of the gait cycle is spent on one leg, which can be increased by over a further 30% during running, it is easy to appreciate the importance of this muscle to be strong & firing as best as possible.
A weak GM can result in what is called ‘Trendelenburg Sign’ or hip sag. This hip drop sounds relatively innocent, however repeated misalignment of the pelvis during gait can lead to other problems in the spine, knee and ankle. This not only increases risk of overuse injuries, incorrect tracking, poor transmission of impact forces, it also decreases the body’s ability to generate power during activity.
Located in the heart of Randwick, Health Spot Randwick is your premier destination for holistic health and wellness. Our clinic offers a range of natural therapies and treatments designed to promote healing and enhance overall well-being.
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22A Canberra St,
Randwick, Sydney, NSW 2031
Monday to Friday: 8am - 7:30pm
Saturday: 8am - 3pm
Sunday: 10-5pm (massage only)