How can diaphragmatic breathing improve your wellbeing?

Did you know that one of the most common causes of neck pain, tight shoulders, chronic lower back pain, anxiety, and poor digestion is dysfunctional breathing mechanics? While it might sound surprising, how you breathe can significantly impact your overall health and wellbeing.

Diaphragmatic breathing, often referred to as “belly breathing,” is simple to learn and immensely beneficial. Just like brain activity, breathing is essential to life and plays a crucial role in everything you do. Here’s how it works:

  • Oxygen delivery: Breathing delivers oxygen from the atmosphere into your lungs, where your blood picks it up and distributes it to every cell in your body.
  • Waste elimination: It also helps you eliminate waste products like carbon dioxide, keeping your internal environment healthy. Too much carbon dioxide can lead to feelings of disorientation and panic.

The importance of oxygen balance

Did you know that brain cells are particularly sensitive to oxygen? They can start to die within four minutes when deprived of it. Slight changes in oxygen levels in the brain can affect your mood and behaviour. For instance, when someone becomes angry or upset, their breathing often becomes shallower and more rapid. This inefficient pattern decreases oxygen in the blood and increases toxic carbon dioxide levels, leading to irritability, impulsiveness, confusion, and poor decision-making.

The benefits of controlled breathing

Learning to control your breathing has numerous immediate benefits. It can help calm an area of the brain known as the basal ganglia. An overactive basal ganglia can promote anxiety, while a relaxed one helps the brain function more efficiently.

How diaphragmatic breathing helps

  • Muscle relaxation: Diaphragmatic breathing relaxes muscles and improves circulation throughout your body and to your heart.
  • Regulated heart rhythms: It also helps regulate your heart’s rhythms and strengthens the muscles of the spine while relaxing the neck.

The technique

The trick to effective diaphragmatic breathing is to breathe slowly and deeply from your belly:

  1. Inhale deeply: As you inhale, expand your belly. This flattens the diaphragm, pulling the lungs downward and increasing air intake.
  2. Exhale fully: When you exhale, pull your belly in. This pushes the air out of your lungs and encourages deeper breathing.


Breathing tips to activate your vagus nerve

Here are some tips to help you breathe deeply and effectively:

  • Nose breathing benefits:
    • 🌬️ Filters out foreign particles
    • 🌬️ Humidifies inhaled air
    • 🌬️ Produces nitric oxide
  • Mouth taping: Use micropore tape at night to train yourself to breathe through your nose during the day, ensuring you’re breathing correctly while you sleep.
  • Breathing exercises: Lie on your back with a small book on your belly. Inhale to make the book rise and exhale to make it fall. This exercise shifts your breathing energy lower in your body, helping you feel more relaxed and in control.


Managing emotions with breath

Whenever you feel anxious, angry, or tense, try this breathing technique:

  1. Take a deep breath and hold it for four to five seconds.
  2. Slowly exhale for six to eight seconds.
  3. Repeat this process about ten times.

This method can help you feel more relaxed, and you may even find yourself feeling a bit sleepy afterward.


Adjusting your breathing for different needs

  • For stress relief: The out-breath should be longer than the in-breath. A good practice is to breathe in for four seconds and out for six seconds.
  • For increased alertness: If you need a boost, you can shorten the out-breath to energize your nervous system.

Breathing is a powerful tool that you can control and use to your advantage, whether you need to calm down or wake up. If you’re experiencing back pain, neck pain, or other discomforts, consider visiting your local chiropractor near Randwick or Coogee. Our team at Health Spot Randwick offers chiropractic care, acupuncture, and massage therapy to help you stay pain-free and active.


Ready to take control of your wellbeing? 

Know the benefits of diaphragmatic breathing and how our expert chiropractic care, massage therapy, and acupuncture services can help you achieve a healthier, more balanced life. 


Book your appointment today at Health Spot Randwick and start your journey to pain relief and relaxation!

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